Young Scientist Spotlight 13: Balint Kacsoh

New Year, new you, new …. ant? Dr. Balint Kacsoh, a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania, discusses his work on the genetics of social interactions in ants in our latest Young Scientist Spotlight. Listening to this conversation, you’ll learn a ton of interesting ant facts, like how ants bites are used to staple together wounds in the jungle, and also some amazing ways that ant research could help us understand how loneliness affects disease progression. From 3D printed ant models to the intricacies of garbage disposal, Balint’s research and scientific outreach has something for everyone. 

This episode was produced by Ryan Morrie. Music in this episode is from Blue Dot Sessions and Dave Matthews Band.

To learn more about Balint and see his cool ant pictures, you can follow him on Twitter at @BalintZKacsoh or check out his website.

You can find a PDF transcript of this episode here.

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